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Service statement

At CALACS La Vigie, we are committed to providing you with quality service. Additionally, we operate under Act to assist persons who are victims of criminal offences and to facilitate their recovery (LAPVIC), which aims to help individuals who are victims of crime and promote their recovery.

We have a service charter that informs you of our commitments and includes a complaint mechanism.

You can consult the documentation on this topic below:

Service Charter for VictimsComplaint Form

The organization commits to handling your complaint within 15 business days upon receiving it.

You can submit your form online, by postal mail, by email, by fax, or in person.

Attention to:

Isabelle Corbeil
P.O. Box 22
Valleyfield (Quebec)
J6S 4V5

Phone: 450 371-4222

Complaint Form

"*" indicates required fields

01- Identification of the complainant

02- Identification of the parent (if applicable)

03- Identification of the individual or service targeted by your complaint

04- Description of the situation

*The information collected in this form will remain confidential
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.
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