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Your support is invaluable in achieving our mission to assist women, adolescents, and non-binary individuals who are victims of sexual violence, as well as their loved ones. Thank you for being an ally of CALACS La Vigie!

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CALACS is a non-profit organization, and your generosity can make a real difference! Visit our Zeffy donation platform, which is user-friendly and will automatically provide a receipt for your donation.

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Stay updated with the activities, training sessions, and news from CALACS La Vigie by subscribing to our newsletter. Become a member by filling out the form below.

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Become a Member

Becoming a member of C.A.L.A.C.S. La Vigie allows you to :

  • Receive information about various events involving CALACS La Vigie;
  • Get invitations to member-only activities such as brunches, thematic meetings, documentary screenings, conferences, artistic workshops, etc.;
  • Connect with other women who care about women’s living conditions and sexual violence issues;
  • Volunteer if you wish

Membership costs $2.00 and is valid for life. I would like to become a member of C.A.L.A.C.S. La Vigie. I agree to :

  • Uphold the integrity of the organization and its members;
  • Respect the confidentiality of the organization and its members.
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